Worshipful master

Master’s Message – November 2023


This is definitely the hardest Trestleboard article I have had to write. This is the article that our recently departed and much-loved Worshipful Master should have written.

I got to know John well over the last few years and especially during Grand Lodge where we shared many meals and had much time together. I saw him not only as Brother and Master of the Lodge but also as a friend and mentor. His presence in the lodge and our lives will be sorely missed.

With this earlier than expected move to the East; you have all been very supportive; thank you. I assure you that I and the rest of the officers will continue to serve out the rest of the year as well as we can. We plan to meet the goals that John had set for the Lodge this year which will hopefully culminate in us receiving the Grand Master’s Achievement Award.

As this November stated is our official visit from the District Deputy and our Annual Election of officers, this meeting is primarily for the men. We have not planned a program for the ladies.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Bro. Matthew Cox
Worshipful Master Pro Tem