Masonic Bible square and compasses on altar

District Deputy Official Visitation

April Stated we will be visited by our District Deputy, Right Worshipful Brother Jim Akers. This will be his official visit and your support of the Lodge by attending and taking part in the Official greeting would be grand. The dinner proceeding the meeting will be Hosted by the Lodge, so bring your Lady or significant other or perhaps someone who is interested in the Craft. If you need transportation to the Lodge we can certainly accommodate you, give me a call and your needs will be met. My number is 503-667-5077, you will need to leave a message and don’t forget to include your phone number, additionally a name is always helpful.

The Lodge Officers had a meeting last week and we have several ideas to stream-line the meetings and perhaps get started a bit earlier. There are also some ideas being floated about on how to make our dinners more interesting. Your input would be more helpful in what you want to see in the Lodge or for activities.
In other news, the Lodge got a nice write up in the Oregon Masonic News related to the Occasional Grand Lodge that we recently hosted.

I suppose that the handy house hold hint for this month would be to either clean or have your gutters cleaned. You might also check around the house for tripping hazards, especially electrical cords and not to forget that area rugs can be a real problem. The Lodge Officer’s and I hope that you will put the 11th on your calendar and lend a hand greeting our District Deputy.


Dave Munson
Worshipful Master
Washington Lodge #46