girl with ice cream

News from Bethel 67 – April 2019

Bethels 1, 4 and 67 want to thank those who came to support our joint Official Visit. The Daughters from these three inter-city Bethels have become great friends and like to help each other out.

Coming to the March Stated Meeting of Washington Lodge and being served dinner was a special treat. Your Officers make great waiters. Thank you.

We just returned from Grand Bethel in Cottage Grove. This is a time when the Daughters throughout the state get together for fun and business. There were two nights of sleeping together on the floor of the lodge. During the day we played new and exciting games to challenge us both physically and mentally. In the afternoon we held a congress meeting to discuss amendments to our bylaws and to hold elections. The Grand Bethel Senior Princess Elect is Audrey Montgomery-Gardis from Bethel 1 and the Grand Bethel Honored Queen Elect is Willow Moss from Bethel 81. They will be installed at our annual Session in June in Wilsonville.

During our evening meeting the Member of Honor ceremony was conferred on Jody Tibbetts of Bethel 4 and Hendy Appleton from Bethel 81. These women have served Job’s Daughters with distinction in their respective Bethels. Mrs. Tibbetts has been of great assistance to Bethel 67 also. The late evening was filled with a show that encompassed the variety of our Daughters’ talents. Bethel 67’s own Alyssa Rivers placed third in the singing Talent. We are very proud of her.

It’s that time of year when we start selling ads for our annual yearbook to be published at Grand Session. If you are interested in purchasing an ad to help support Bethel 67 as they travel to Grand Session, please see Alyssa Rivers or Ms. Morgan for more info. 75% of the cost of the ad comes directly back to the Bethel. The ads are selling at $125 for a full page, $70 for a half page, $40 for a
quarter page, $25 for a business card and $5 for a shout out consisting of 200 Characters or a photo. 75% of the funds raised come back to the Bethel for our travel fund. We will have more information about buying ads at the Stated Meeting of Washington Lodge as well as place information in the mailboxes of the other organizations that meet at the Lodge. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Bethel 67