
Master’s Message – January 2018


To begin: Happy New Year! Thank you for your confidence in electing me to the East. Our Lodge has the best line of officers that can be found anywhere, and I am proud to be associated with these worthy Brothers and Washington Lodge. 2018 will be a very fast-paced year and the Lodge will need everyone to lend a hand. One of the main projects we need to start on immediately will be the plans for our one-hundred-and- fifty-year anniversary. A few new Brothers will be around for the next, and much bigger, celebration, but I think we can do them one better and make this spectacular. So, any ideas that you may have, please jot them down, lest we forget, and give them to myself or anyone in the “line”.

Think about the future! Your children and grandchildren need to know what Masonry is and for what it stands. Promote the outstanding work that our fraternity has done for mankind. What Masonry does, affects everyone for the good. I am extraordinarily proud to be a Mason. That being said; come to Lodge, bring another Brother, make our work count, make your voice heard.



Dave Munson
Worshipful Master
Washington 46
Portland, Oregon