From The Secretary’s Desk

Another busy month is behind us! 

I would like first to congratulate our newest Entered Apprentice masons Jayke Bickford and Kai Kreneck. To all the brothers who participated in the degree, great job! Our budget was passed at our February stated meeting, as our Treasurer, Warren Burkholder worked many hours compiling a consolidated budget for both the lodge building and the lodge. No doubt there will be changes to our budget throughout the year, so as we say, it is a work in progress. We have also sent in our annual per capita form to Grand Lodge; we now have 169 members. At our stated we reported that six members have passed to the celestial Grand Lodge, including Lee Noah, whose service will be held at the lodge on Sunday, March 3rd at 1 PM.

A great turnout at the DeMolay Crab Feed on the 23rd. Washington Lodge had three reserved tables with 24 members and guests attending. Fellowship and food top notch.

A recent article in the Oregonian talked about brother and President George Washington and his Rules of Civility. With the current political climate and the unrest throughout the world, it’s amazing to think that those precepts from George Washington’s time are still useful today as they were some 200 years ago. Let me quote just a couple:

Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present.

Think before you speak; pronounce not imperfectly nor bring out your words too hastily, but orderly and distinctly.

And so, we, as masons, are taught to follow these rules of civility, and I know that our society and the relationship among the brothers would also benefit from the advice set forth all those years ago. 

With Easter coming early on March 31st, please have a joyous one and I hope to see many of you at our upcoming meetings. 


Don Stapleton, PGM, Secretary