Secretary - Don Stapleton

From the Secretary’s Desk – December 2023

From The Secretary’s Desk

Pat & I want to wish all our masonic friends and family a very HAPPY HOLIDAY.  It doesn’t seem possible that this year is almost over with a new year right around the corner.  Yes, we have had our ups and downs but overall, 2023 has brought us great enjoyment and a future that looks bright for all the members of Washington Lodge.

 My personal congratulations to all our new officers, a full line is nearly unheard of in many masonic lodges. Our annual installation of officers will take place on Sunday, the 17th at 2PM.  It really would be great to have a big turnout to show support for your new officers.  

Please plan on attending our stated meeting on December the 13th, as we will have the Dickens Carolers as our evening entertainment.  Also, we will have some additional presentations to make, so mark your calendar.

We can’t forget that December is also a time for sharing and caring for those members that might need your support.  Take time to check on that neighbor or friend that might need a helping hand.  Please come to our building Christmas Party on Sunday the 3rd at 2PM.  Lots of treats, gifts for the kids and always great fellowship. Have a super HOLIDAY and a very happy and healthy NEW YEAR.



Don Stapleton, PGM, Secretary