150th Anniversary Celebration

From The West – May 2019


Very shortly you should be receiving a letter from the Lodge in regard to the 150th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, June 22nd. A buffet lunch is planned and there will be memorabilia for attendees. We expect broad interest from the five lodges that that have come together to form today’s Washington #46; a special visit from the Grand Master of A. F. & A .M of Oregon; as well as, our own three living Past Grand Masters. As Sr Warden, I have been tasked to organize the invitations and keep track of the RSVP’s. Please call if you have a question, 971-888-5627. If I cannot answer, please leave a message and return number.

The story below I’ve heard many times. It sticks with me, how about you brother?

Because I am a Mason

A salesman breaks down in a remote country lane, a farmer in the adjacent field comes over and they discover that they are “Brothers”. The salesman is concerned as he has an important appointment in the local town: “Don’t worry” says the farmer “you can use my car. I will call a friend and get the car repaired while you go to the appointment”.

Off goes the salesman and a couple of hours later he returns, but unfortunately his car is awaiting a part which won’t arrive until the next morning. “It’s not a problem,” says the Farmer, “use my telephone and re-schedule your first appointment tomorrow, stay with us tonight and I’ll see that the car is done first thing!” The farmers’ wife prepares a wonderful meal and they share a glass of fine single malt during an excellent evening. The salesman sleeps soundly and when he awakes there is his car, repaired and ready to go.

After a fine farmer’s breakfast, the salesman thanks them both for the hospitality. As he and the farmer walk to his car he turns and asks, “my brother, thank you so much but I have to ask, did you help me because I am a Mason?” “No” was the reply, “I helped you because I am a Mason”

Warren Burkholder, SW