bill mars

Longevity Recipient – WB Bill Mars

Congratulations go out to our newest longevity 60-year recipient, WB Bill Mars.

Bill received his EA degree on 12/14/1960, Passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on 2/8/1961 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on 4/19/1961 in Oregon Lodge #101.

He was Master of Oregon Lodge in 1971 and received his Hiram Award from MWB Bob Richmond in 2009. He was Treasurer of Washington Lodge in 2008 and Senior Deacon at Waluga Lodge in 2015. In 2011 he received his 50-year award and now his 60 year Longevity Award in April of 2021.

For his many years of masonic service, not only in blue lodge but also in the concordant bodies as well, we thank you.