social distancing in lodge meetings

From the East – November 2020


This month we will meet in person for the first time in 7 months. We will engage each other from a proper distance behind the prescribed masks without much of the customary social activity in limited numbers. We will elect officers for the coming year and deliver awards to several amongst us that are long over-due.

The threats from the virus have not declined other than to the extent we have become more diligent and careful in our protection from its spread. Contact the Secretary if you wish to be present for the ceremonies.

Ten months of this year have passed. We have spent seven of them trying to find a safe passage through challenges for which we were not well prepared. Our community is being attached from by virus, fires, and protests. The question before us is what actions do, we need take to address these challenges. To date we have been obedient to the guidance of our leaders and caring to those that have needed a hand. However, there is a great deal more work to be done. Come and join in the commitments to what comes next.

Let us now begin those discussions about how we will apply ourselves going forward and not dwell on how great it used to be. What really counts is what are we going to do next to improve the future.

The work on lodge building is expected to be complete by the time you are reading this message. Our roof is now watertight and prepared to protect us for decades into the future. The HVACV equipment is replaced and operational. A few punch list items remain that when completed will result in improved ventilation in the main lodge room compared to the previous standard.


Warren Burkholder
Worshipful Master