Meatloaf Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans

From the South – February 2020

Ah, February! What a great month! Why? Other then it is my birth month, it has the second greatest holiday – Feb. 4th. What holiday is on Feb. 4th? Why, February 4th is National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day!

I tried to talk to the chef into serving ice cream for our dinner at the stated meeting, but it was a losing argument. So instead we will be having a nice Meatloaf dinner, with mashed potatoes and Green beans and a lovely desert. I hope you can all make it as it is our annual Sweethearts dinner and there will be a special gift for all the ladies.

February also is the month we celebrate Presidents Day. Happy Birthday, George and Abe! Maybe I can convince the chef to have cherry pie for dessert.

Let me end with a quote by Abraham Lincoln:

“Whatever you are, be a good one.”
– Abraham Lincoln

WB James Van Anda