Community Partnership

Secretaries’ Seminar


This month’s article will focus on the recent Secretaries Seminar held at Grand Lodge. These HOT TOPICS as they are labeled are ones that every member should be aware of.

Number One: Should every new member petition have a background check, and should Grand Lodge make it mandatory? Right now, it is up every lodge to make this decision. While this practice is commonplace among many jurisdictions, not so in Oregon.

Number Two: Educational Assistance—While this program primarily is tied to education, the better name is FAMILY ASSISTANCE. This program can help a family and eligible children, and/or grandchildren with all aspects of daily life. Applications go out in May and if you know of a mason or his family who could use such assistance please contact the Grand Lodge office. Funds are distributed on a first come, first served basis.

Number Three: What are the effects of taking a withdrawal, a Demit or even severance? Is your lodge thinking of Consolidation (Following the Code) is a must!!

We have talked about involving more lodges in COMMUNITY activities, so the Grand Lodge Program of “Creating A Partnership” may be just your ticket to success. It may be your local grade or high school that needs your support or another non-profit that also relies on local support. Your lodge can help.

As we move through the many events and activities that are planned for this year you might want to know the reasons why men want to be part of our fraternity. This graph illustrates that very well:

grand lodge results

Finally, as we celebrate Valentine’s Day in February don’t forget to bring that special someone to lodge on the 12th. There will be a special dinner for everyone, fun activities and always great fellowship with the members of Washington Lodge #46, celebrating 150 years of fraternal excellence to our members and to the community.


Don Stapleton, Secretary