July 2019 - From the East

From the East – July 2019

Greetings from the EAST,

WOW, June 22nd, 2019 Washington Lodge Celebrated their 150th year as a Masonic Lodge. In my opinion, it was one of the best celebrations that I have seen. I cannot say Thank you enough to all the Mason’s, family members and non-Mason’s in attendance. Thank you all so much for all that you do. The Attendance during this event was approx. 80 people. There were several Grand Lodge Officers that took the time out of their day to be at this event. I truly believe it was well received by all.

All right Brethren, now it’s time to get back to work. It’s time to start focusing on Opening & Closing the Lodge & Ritual work. It’s time to start working on the Lodge Officers to start practicing the next stages of their advancements. And do not forget we have the Annual picnic coming up.

Stated Meeting, 7-10-2019 beginning at 6pm light snacks will be available & Fellowship for all to enjoy. At 7pm Stated Meeting will commence, and a light dinner or finger foods will be available after the meeting.

Brotherly Advice

“My Brother”, said the old Past Master to the newly raised Master Mason. “There are only two secrets in life:
Number 1. Never tell people everything you know…”


Dennis Harris Washington Lodge #46