July 2019 - From the West

From the West – July 2019


It is the duty of the Senior Warden to pay wages if any be due… I need your help with this. I find that I simply do not have enough bandwidth (that’s time and energy to those over 60) to cover all the things the Anniversary Committee did to bring you the 150 Anniversary Celebration. The performance was SIMPLY MARVELOUS. If you missed it, I ‘m sorry. The next one will probably be in fifty years. My wife did ask if we did this every year? An interesting question?

WM Harris, WM Munson, WM Quiroz, and MW Stapleton provided the leadership BY EXAMPLE for the rest of us to follow. You and I need to let those that did the heavy lifting know how much their contributions are appreciated. Join me at the JULY Stated meeting in paying them their due wages!

Brothers of Inspiration

by R.W.David P. Newcomb
Source: Trowel 19-1

Throughout the years, as manhood nears,
Good men seem to yearn,
For a place with opportunities
To socialize and learn.

Where do young men look today,
To find some inspiration?
Who might they look up to
For positive motivation?

Are there places men may congregate,
Where values still survive?
Where are ethics and principles
Still common and alive?

One place is found beyond the sound
Of three knocks on their door,
Just down the hall, within their walls,
Is what you’re searching for.

Good men know the place to go.
It’s unlike any other,
Where good men seek good men to meet,
And treat each other as Brothers.

The place is where men, once strangers now friends,
Have joined Masonic ranks.
These men have mentored many of us
For nothing more than, “Thanks!”

Brothers – Ty Cobb, John Paul Jones,
And Norman Vincent Peale,
Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere,
And Cecil B. DeMille.

Red Skelton, Arnold Palmer,
Mozart and Mark Twain,
Prince Hall, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
William Shakespeare, and John Wayne.

There’s Winston Churchill, Henry Ford,
Davy Crockett, and John Glenn.
Harry Truman, Gerald Ford,
And George Washington, way back when.

Presidents, Generals, Athletes,
Entertainers, and yet,
All of them are Masons.
Inspirational? You bet!!!

Are you seeking some inspiration?
Follow this simple plan.
Here’s what to do for a better you,
And become a better man.

On the door with the compasses and the square
Give three distinctive knocks
You’ll discover the Brotherhood of Man
And realize — Freemasonry rocks!!!


Warren Burkholder
Senior Warden