Matter of Time

It’s a Matter of Time

It almost sounds like a movie title or perhaps a television series. But this title refers to what many masonic lodges are addressing year in and year out. With declining membership, members moving and just getting tired with the status quo lodges have to think out of the box to promote themselves as a viable organization to belong.

So you ask what can be done to make this change? First of all, members must bring their ideas to the table. They, the officers must brainstorm and bring a few good ideas before the lodge for discussion and action. I want to emphasize a few good ideas. Bring forth a well thought out plan that all the members can feel comfortable with. Those might be to change the start of your meeting; maybe having dinner after lodge or light refreshments before the meeting. Make good use of your refreshment table and plan a program that will keep your members engaged about the fraternity.

Many lodges go dark during the summer, but to keep members interested, maybe you should change that process. While these ideas are just a fraction of the many that the officers will no doubt think about, what you need to do is something, or your lodge will fade away and cease to provide those very valuable lessons that our craft is famous far. Time is passing so quickly, we must act now!!!


Don Stapleton, Secretary