core strengthening

From the West – March 2018

Greeting’s from the West,

There were a couple of things going on during the month of February.

#1, The Occasional Grand Lodge was held at Washington Lodge, I believe it was a very productive day, there were a lot of good ideas from other Lodge members.

The one topic that was talked about the most was Membership. I have waited long enough to say how I feel about this topic, I do not believe we need membership as bad as we need to change the core of our lodge. Our lodge is the same as each and everyone’s BODY. If you do not work out the core of your body, the rest of the body will be WEAK. Look at all the old photos of the past Mason’s and their families, they spent every waking minute together. They went on vacations together, picnics and dinner at each other’s homes.

The Masons of today; we spend one evening together and sometimes that is a hassle or an issue. I think what we need to do, is start one night a month, like the last Wednesday of the month and have a social night, invite the youth groups, bowling, dinner out and start taking baby steps to strengthen our CORE IN MASONRY.

Check out the NEW Siding on our ENTRYWAY, and please give me your honest Opinion, I do have thick skin!!!!!!


A woman noticed her husband standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach. “Ha! That’s not going to help,” she said.

“Sure, it does,” he said. “It’s the only way I can see the numbers.”