For payments of your annual Washington Lodge No. 46 membership dues

  1. Mail a check to Washington Masonic Center
    3612 SE 52nd Ave, Portland, OR 97206       


  2. Pay directly via Grandview.
    Click HERE to sign in to your Grandview account.
    Once logged in, scroll to the bottom of your account home page.

Words from Famous Freemasons

It has not been my fortune to know very much of Freemasonry, but I have had the great fortune to know many Freemasons and have been able in that way to judge the tree by its fruit. I know of your high ideals. I have seen that you hold your meetings in the presence of the open Bible, and I know that men who observe that formality have high sentiments of citizenship, of worth, and character. That is the strength of our Commonwealth and nation.

— Calvin Coolidge

Quick Information

Officers Meeting: Fourth Wednesdays
Stated Meeting: Second Wednesdays
Sunnyside Brunch: Second Saturdays
Lodge Address: 3612 SE 52nd Ave, Portland, OR 97206
Phone Number: (503) 788-1880