past master with rose

The Past Master

The fall leaves are coming, exhibiting brilliant colors of red and gold. Fall is also a time when we honor the Past Masters of our lodge. Over the years four different lodges have consolidated with Washington Lodge and they, the Past Masters of these lodges are an integral part of this fine group of men that have guided their lodges during the Golden Years of masonry in Oregon. Washington Lodge in the 1960’s had over 1000 members, today we have close to 200.
The members of Maritime, Hawthorne, Oregon and Palestine continue to be part of our success today and we honor them for all their dedication to the craft.

So, who are these Past Masters? They are the brothers that have mentored, coached, and served not only as the master, but in many cases, filled in at other officer positions and, yes, again served as master. He was there washing dishes after the meeting and working on that degree. He is a survivor of the many challenges that this lodge has experienced over the last 149 years and we will be steadfast in our mission to raise good men that will carry on the tradition of making good men, better men.

For those Past Masters who are able to help in our mission, we welcome your participation. We miss having you attend lodge with us and we hope that you are able to break bread with us this October 10th, for Past Masters Night.


Don Stapleton, Secretary