Washington Lodge No. 46
A.F.A.M.Volume 2024
Issue #6

Washington Masonic Center Calendar

June 3rd, 7:30 PM Council of Cryptic Masons, Washington Chapter #3

June 7th, 6:30 PM Valliant-Sellwood OES

June 10th, 7:30 PM Royal Arch Chapter

June 11th, 12:00 PM Friendship Rose OES

June 11th, 6:30 PM Willamette Lodge #2 Stated Communication

June 12th, 7:00 PM Washington Lodge #46 Stated Communication

June 15th, 12:00 PM Washington Lodge Spring Cleaning

June 15th, 6:30 PM White Shrine of Jerusalem

June 17th, 7:30 PM Commandry #15

June 19th, 7:00 PM Fellowcraft Degree, Washington Lodge #46

June 20th, 6:30 PM Willamette Lodge #2 Officers Meeting

June 22nd, 9:00 AM – 6:00PM Open House/155th Anniversary/Blood Drive

June 26th, 6:30 PM Washington Lodge #46 Officers Meeting


To have your event added to the calendar, please contact WM Matthew Cox.

Master’s Message

WM Matthew Cox

As we transition into the vibrant summer season, I bring to your attention some crucial changes that will shape our lodge activities in the coming months.

Firstly, commencing this month and continuing until September, our stated communications will accompany a less formal dinner at 6:00 PM. The meetings will begin at 7:00 PM. Please note that the dress code for these evenings will be business casual or a barong if you have one. However, suits are mandatory for degrees, such as the Fellowcraft Degree on June 19th.

Secondly, when we consolidated with Sunnyside Lodge #163, the members of Washington undertook a serious commitment to keeping the Sunnyside Brunch going. As one merged lodge, we still honor this commitment. However, I recognize summer is a busy time for us all, and we don’t want to host a brunch if only a few of us can attend. So, just as Sunnyside went dark in the summer before the consolidation, we will not be having brunches for the months of June, July and August. We will resume them in September.

I know that will be disappointing news to some, but I hope that brothers, their wives, and widows can still maintain fellowship over the summer months without this meal.

Lastly, I invite you all to what I hope will become an annual tradition. We are hosting an Open House/Anniversary Celebration and Blood Drive on June 22nd! The Red Cross will be on-site for donations from 9 AM to 2 PM. If you can give blood, please visit www.redcrossblood.org to sign up and help the community.

Enter “lodge46” to in the Find A Blood Drive section to register for our drive.

Please spread the word. Everyone is invited! We’ll have food, drink, giveaway prizes and tours of the Lodge.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Matthew Cox
Worshipful Master
Washington #46

From The West


I’ve been seeing a lot of progress in our lodge and I’m very glad to be part of it. We recently conferred a double FC Degree with a cast from various lodges who performed very well. I appreciate our visiting brethren supporting us! I want to thank our Junior Warden for setting up the cast.

This June, we will have our 174th Annual Communication in Pendleton. All Master Masons are welcome to attend with us. I want to thank Friendship Lodge #160 for hosting the PDX Masters and Wardens BBQ prior to the annual communication.

On June 22nd, we will celebrate our 155th Anniversary alongside our community’s festival. The Red Cross is joining us. Those who would like to donate blood, sign up soon! Spots are limited. We will have an open house to welcome everyone to our lodge. Please approach any of the lodge officers if you’re available to help with this event.

Summer is fast approaching; we will continue to meet during these times. May brotherly love prevail.


SW Aaron Enriquez
Washington Masonic Lodge #46

From The South

“Without labor, nothing prospers.”
– Sophocles


I have been humbled by your fellowship and assistance over the last month. I am forever grateful to the brothers who stepped up to confer our double Fellow Craft degree and most appreciative of those who could attend. Sharing in our work brings us closer together as men and masons. And more work is in store.

We stand at the midway; numerous accomplishments now behind us.

Many of you have carried us to this point, and no doubt many shall carry us forward.

Our lodge’s goals are forever taking shape. Yes, we must always commit time to refreshment and enjoying the fruits of our labor, but the work is ongoing. We don’t simply stop when our goal is reached, for there is always a new challenge, a new idea, or a new brother to engage and lift up. In these endeavors, we find growth and fulfillment, friendship and trust. Is this not how our lives are meant to be as well?

There are countless opportunities for each of us to contribute to the lodge, to our Worshipful Master, and to each other.

Consider your place among your brothers: How will you contribute? When will you return? When will you answer the call of your brothers in need? The time for action and the time for work are now.

See all that we are doing, and all that is in store.  Our prosperity is your prosperity. We have many areas where your help can make a difference. Look over the current calendar. June is an important month with a focus on the lodge’s anniversary. This is a critical moment to open up to our community and show who we are as masons. I know that the WM still needs brothers who can fill certain roles at the open house, and we have an FC degree coming up as well. As Mark Twain wrote, “Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but it is the lightning that does the work.” Come be the lightning.

I look forward to seeing you this summer as we continue to share in our work and prosperity.

June Stated Dinner will feature a selection of gourmet New York-style sandwiches by Geraldi’s.

Jesse McCann

From The Secretary’s Desk

It’s hard to believe that the year is almost half over. Your officers have done a remarkable job of implementing their plans, and all of you should be very proud of our current officer corps. 

My congratulations to brothers Kai Krenick and Jayke Bickford, who just received their Fellowcraft Degrees, and to the Fellowcraft team for doing an excellent job. We have one more Fellowcraft Degree to confer in the next month or so, so we will have plenty of ritual work to do as we venture into the fall. 

Speaking of June, Washington Lodge will celebrate its 155th Birthday on the 22nd. We will have an open house and blood drive that day, and we look forward to having you and many community members visit us. This will also allow them to learn a little more about Masonry and be able to tour the lodge. Please plan on having some great fellowship and refreshments on Saturday the 22nd. There is also a street fair that day, so we are hoping for good weather and plenty of music and activity in the neighborhood.

Our fraternity is experiencing a resurgence, and many men are seeking a path to a better life. We have the potential to promote our fraternity like never before, and we need your active participation to make this a reality. I urge you to make time during the summer to visit us. The atmosphere is more relaxed, and you can even wear your barong if you have one. Our meetings start at 7:00 PM, with light refreshments at 6:00 PM. The lodge is working on significant projects for the benefit of all members, and your support is invaluable. Wishing you a safe and enjoyable summer.

Don Stapleton, PGM, Secretary