Washington Lodge No. 46
A.F.A.M.Volume 2024
Issue #5

Washington Masonic Center Calendar

May 1st, 6:30 PM Willamette Lodge #2 Stated Communication

May 3rd, 6:30 PM Valliant-Sellwood OES

May 4th, 12:00 PM VanPort York Rite College

May 6th, 7:30 PM Council of Cryptic Masons, Washington Chapter #3

May 8th, 6:30 PM Washington Lodge #46 Stated Communication

May 11th, 10:00 PM Sunnyside Brunch

May 13th, 7:30 PM Royal Arch Chapter

May 15th, 6:30 PM Double FC Degree at Washington Lodge #46

May 16th, 6:30 PM Willamette Lodge #2 Officers Meeting

May 18th, 6:30 PM White Shrine of Jerusalem

May 20th, 7:30 PM Commandry #15

May 21st, 12:00 PM Friendship-Rose OES

May 22nd, 6:30 PM Washington Lodge #46 Officers Meeting


If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please reach out to W.M. Matthew Cox.

Master’s Message

WM Matthew Cox


I hope this month’s Trestleboard finds you well as this year continues in our Lodge. Two of our Entered Apprentices did a great job returning their proficiencies in April, and they will be passed on to Fellowcraft on May 15th! A third will soon be joining them.

Our April meeting was enriched by a captivating presentation from W.B. Warren Burkholder, who delved into the profound meaning and significance of the plumb symbol. I am thrilled to announce that he has graciously agreed to continue this enlightening series in our upcoming May meeting. I eagerly anticipate the depth of knowledge and insight he will bring.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to W.B. Dale Palileo for his enlightening talk about the Fellows of the Craft program during his visit to Washington Lodge. His presentation provided invaluable context and information about our practices, and I am hopeful that we can incorporate this significant program into our Lodge’s activities as our Brothers progress through the degrees. I look forward to making this an annual event at our Lodge.

At the last stated, I mentioned we would have Marissa Douglas come to May’s Sunnyside Brunch to talk about MasonicAid. Unfortunately, this has been postponed until this July. I’ll confirm closer to the time.

Lastly, we will celebrate our ladies at the stated communication on May 8th. We will present them with small tokens of our appreciation during the dinner. This is just a reminder that our ladies are always welcome to attend our dinners and mingle in the dining room while the Brothers have their meetings. I can’t always promise that there will be a speaker or similar event, but I can say that there will be fellowship and good cheer.


Sincerely and Fraternally,


Matthew Cox

Worshipful Master

Washington #46


From The West


We will have FC degrees this May; our new brothers are doing well with their proficiencies thanks to their effort. A heartfelt thank you to their respective coaches for their dedication. I want to personally appreciate those brethren who participated in our Fellows of the Craft this past April, led by our WB Dale Palileo. Your commitment to our fraternity is truly commendable.

We look forward to next month’s schedule, where we will have an Open House and Anniversary Celebration on June 22nd; your participation is needed and will be appreciated. Next month, we will also have our 174th Annual Communication in Pendleton. I want to welcome back our WB Jim Akers, who visited South Korea and Thailand. I also want to welcome back our JW Jesse McCann, who was out of town. As for my travels, I had a great time meeting brethren from the Seattle metro area in Washington State, and I received a warm welcome from both lodges.

We will likely have MM degrees soon, so I will start setting up the roster. Please approach me with any inquiries. I look forward to working with you all on our upcoming activities. I hope to see you all at our stated meeting and our Sunnyside brunch!

Aaron Enriquez
Senior Warden
Washington #46

From The South


It is an exciting time to be a mason at Washington Lodge #46. I’d like to highlight the efforts of our newest brothers as they make their way through the necessary work that has been put before them. It has been an absolute pleasure not only seeing the progress of our EA’s but coaching one as well. These men have been carrying on the tradition by working diligently on their proficiencies and preparations for the next degree. With our recent inclusion of the Fellows of The Craft, we now have a robust and thorough experience to provide all new brothers.

That said, we will be hosting a double FC degree on May 15th, and I call on all available brothers to support these impressive men by attending. We all know how impactful it can be to have a full house of masons during our degrees. If ever there was a time that your lodge needed you, it was to attend these degrees. I look forward to seeing you there – and celebrating afterward with great refreshments!

For dinner this month, we honor the ladies for Mother’s Day. Our beloved chef returns for a delicious meal, starting with a fresh green salad with cucumber, cherry tomatoes, shaved red cabbage, and a tangy vinaigrette. For the main course, we’ll have a hearty chicken schnitzel complemented by lemon parsley potatoes and roasted asparagus. For dessert, devil’s food cake!

We look forward to sharing this meal and fellowship with you all.

Yours in Masonry,
Jesse McCann

From The Secretary’s Desk

Brethren, this month we start with congratulations to our group of Entered Apprentice masons who have done an excellent job in returning their proficiencies and waiting to have their Fellowcraft Degree and two brothers from this lodge who were recently inducted into the Oregon DeMolay Hall of Fame. At Washington Lodge, we have the motion and motivation to carry the precepts of masonry well into the future. What we are asking is for the membership to participate with us in this vital mission. If you haven’t attended the lodge for a while, come and see what you are missing. I know the weather is getting warmer and lighter longer, so please come and enjoy what we have to offer and be part of this adventure. We need help with our degrees, and just maybe you could participate like you did a few years ago. 

A few of the brothers participated in a recent Fellows of the Craft class, and boy, did we get an ear full of what many of our brothers have been missing. Masonic Education in our lodge has been missing for several years, and we will now start incorporating this program for future candidates  As a mason for 50 years, I know how important this program is for our future brothers. We want our members to be better educated in what our degrees stand for. In turn, they will serve their lodges well, and we look forward to their long-term success.

Mark your calendars for some exciting events in May! We kick off with our stated meeting on the 8th, where we will also be celebrating Mother’s Day with a special meal for the ladies. And on the 15th, we have a double FC Degree. We invite all our members to attend these events and show their support for the lodge and our officers.  We have a lineup of exciting programs in the coming months, and we would be delighted to have you join us for some fine food, fellowship, and fun.


Don Stapleton, PGM, Secretary