wb jim van anda

From the East – August 2022

Greetings from the East:

I hope everyone’s summer is going well. A few “warmer” days but not the oppressive heat they are having in other parts of the country or parts of the world for that matter.

Washington Lodge has three components of social media I would like to draw your attention to. The first is our webpage, Washington46.org. Here you can find a whole bunch of information, including the lodge calendar, the most recent newsletter and other information.

The second part is on Facebook. We have a page there @ Facebook.com/washingtonlodge46

This site has more of the upcoming event stuff and other interesting pictures and articles from the internet.

And the final piece is masonic-oregon.com, the website of the Grand Lodge. But more specifically, the Grand View portion of it. This is where you can create or update your profile and once you do, you have access to MY PORTAL.
Grand View is where the lodge gets its membership information. For example, every month I download the newest list of members, filter out those members who have e-mail address, and the resulting list is what I use to print the envelopes I mail the newsletter in. So, it is very important for you, the member, to keep your contact info updated. At the beginning of the year, we had about 30 “bad” address on file. Your Secretary, M.W.B. Don Stapleton, and I worked together and we have gotten that list down to about 10. The biggest piece of information we are missing are phone numbers! If everyone could log in and update your contact information, it would be a big help.

In September, we will have our Past Master’s night. I have sent out invitations to the past masters and I hope that we have a great turnout. We will be having BBQ that night for dinner so please RSVP to John Q. as soon as possible.


Jim Van Anda, WM