filling survey

From the West – August 2021

Your lodge officers have been discussing how to go about growing member attendance and attracting new members to the fraternity.

In pursuit of this goal, within the next few months, we are going to develop a short survey/questionnaire. In the Fall, we will be calling each member and asking you some questions and listening to your comments.

In addition to updating any personal info if needed, you will get a chance to tell us what we are doing right and where we need to improve. From the actual lodge building to the dinners to the Trestle board, you will have a chance to comment and voice your opinion. This is your lodge, and your voice matters the most.

Now, I can’t promise changes overnight, but I can guarantee that I will read each survey and will discuss the ideas with the other officers. And if there is something that we can change or improve on right away, we will do our best to get it done.

Our next stated is August 11th. We hope to be voting on a new member. Remember that we start at 7:00 pm in the summer and dress is casual. Hope to see you in Lodge!


WB Jim Van Anda Senior Warden