new members

From the West – January 2021

GREETINGS from the West…

The New Year is often a sign of hope and of new beginnings. The new officers of this lodge are now in place and ready to serve you, the members of this great lodge. I am very proud to serve as Senior Warden and support our new Master, Lynn Foley.

But I, and the other officers, cannot do it alone. We need YOU, the membership to help. As my mentor and dear friend Dick Unruh, used to tell me, it is not the Master’s Lodge or any of the other officer’s, It is the member’s and we serve them.

So how can you help? Simple. By spending 1 or 2 hours a month at our stated meetings. Now of course, we still are not able to have full in person meetings yet, but I hope we will soon. And when we do, please come out and support your lodge.

I assume that most of you joined Masonry for a reason. And I bet that one of those reasons was “to be involved”. Well, be Involved!! The lodge needs members to be involved in many different ways. Maybe you could serve on a committee? Maybe you could spend an hour or two helping at a special event or maybe helping WB Dave Munson with his history project. I know that WB Lynn would like to go to a cemetery this year and plant flags on veteran’s graves. Maybe you could help there?

A lot of people say, “The lodge does nothing”. It is hard to do something with only a handful of brothers who are willing to help. When this Pandemic is over, we would love to hold an Open House for the community, but we need a lot of help to pull that off. So, if you get a call asking for help in the future, take a minute before you answer, and ask yourself “Do I have a few hours to spare to assist my Brothers and MY lodge?”

My phone is always on and anyone can call at any time and offer to help if needed.

I hope to see you in Lodge. Remember, we can’t do it alone!