Your Membership — What Does It Mean

As we approach the Fall, with the winter months sure to come, it’s commonplace to receive in the mail, from our many masonic groups a little card, or a sticker that signifies that your dues need to be paid before the end of the year. Many of us have Life Memberships but some must think about those dues as a way to support those various organizations.

In the most recent edition of the Scottish Rite Journal, James D. Cole, 33 Degree, Grand Commander, looks at that card as a membership card not a dues card. I quote “The card should be a physical reminder to always take the most Masonic approach when faced with decisions.”

So I ask you, how do you view your membership card? Are you just a dues paying member or do you view your membership in Washington Lodge #46, AF & AM of Portland, Oregon, as something special?

I think we can all remember that special night when you were raised a Master Mason and the years that you have participated in our degrees, attended special dinners and events. The pandemic has really put a damper on our many get togethers; our summer picnic at Oaks Park; degree work at the lodge and the caves degree near Burns.

When we are able to meet again I hope that many of you will visit us again with a desire to assist in our work and just be with us to talk about your many experiences while we have been apart. You are part of an organization that has been around for 151 years so be proud of that membership card and share your fellowship and brotherly love with your brothers. Please take care, stay safe & God Bless!!



Don Stapleton, Secretary