Masonic Light

From the East – July 2020


The emergence from the pains and threats of COVID has gone slowly this last month. The evidence shows that both our infection rate and positivity in testing have risen not fallen in the last month. There has been considerable activity at the Washington Masonic Center as we begin the tasks of replacing that part of the roof covering over the dining room and kitchen as well as replace the obsolete air conditioning equipment located on it. The work has started and is expected to be complete in early August. This will allow us to look forward to many more years comfortable and safe use of the building for the many diverse groups that use it. To say nothing about the reduction in expense of heating and cooling.

The Lodge is in its final stages of awarding its 2020 scholarship to a worthy graduate of Franklin High School. Again, the disruptions from COVID set this important program back as bit but there will be an announcement soon about the recipient for 2020.

The Grand Lodge has placed a temporary hold on Degree work until the COVID threat subsides. The Lodge will not be holding a Stated Meeting in July as the risk to our members clearly outweighs the benefits of the fellowship. We will again offer an online meeting for those that would like to share with others some of their experiences. This meeting will be by invitation to members and guests at 7:30 PM on July 8th. Contact one of the officers if you need assistance to get connected.

A Brother shared the following with me; consider and pass it on if it works for you.

Ambassadors of Light

Once during medieval times, a division of soldiers was engaged in a mock battle and some of the officers found it necessary to make their headquarters in a masons’ lodge. The Master of the lodge told his stewards: “Feed them, but only the same simple fare that we eat.” Because they were accustomed to special treatment, this made the officers angry. One said to the stewards:

“Who do you think we are? We are the king’s soldiers, willing to sacrifice our lives for our country. Why don’t you treat us accordingly?

The Master answered sternly: “Who do you think we are? We are ambassadors of light, working to raise temples to the glory of God.


Warren Burkholder
WM, Washington 46