
Master’s Message – January 2020

On the feast of St. John, the Evangelist, the responsibilities of the Master of Washington Lodge #46 passed from WB Dennis Harris to myself. Dennis has served the Lodge with a record of exceptional contributions. Some of which have previously been exonerated include: the new entry to the Lodge Building, a successful 150th Anniversary celebration, presentation of nine degrees, remounting of seating in the Lodge Room, reception of the Grand Master, and the preservation of harmony throughout the year. A job truly well-done Worshipful Brother Harris!

In the coming year we have the opportunity to raise the awareness of Freemasonry in the local community by becoming more involved with those who live and work in the local area. It is critically important that we raise the awareness of the role of Freemasonry within our community. The age demographics of our Lodge are such that without a significant change in our outreach and ability to attract new members there will be no future for our fraternity. We have draped our alter many times this year in black, but we have raised only one new Master Mason in our Lodge. This is not a sustainable relationship.

My proposal is that we should work to make two important changes. First, we need to make those changes in our activities that make participation in lodge easier and more desirable by an increasing number of our current members. The second challenge is that we need to become more visible in the local community as a group that potential non-members would want to become a part. To this objective we will be working to identify how we can “get more mileage” from our scholarship program. Raise the awareness among students and their parents.

At our January Stated meeting we will be announcing committee assignments and the calendar of events currently planned for the coming year. Your input and support are essential to our success this year.

Warren Burkholder WM, Washington 46