Washington Lodge No. 46
A.F.A.M.Volume 2024
Issue #10

Washington Masonic Center Calendar

October 1st, 2:00 pm Allied Masonic Degrees 

October 2nd, 6:30 pm Willamette Lodge #2 Stated Communication 

October 4th, 6:30 pm Valiant Sellwood OES 

October 5th, 12:00 pm VanPort York Rite College 

October 7th, 7:30 pm Council of Cryptic Masons #3 

October 9th, 6:30 pm Washington Lodge #46 Stated Communication

October 12th, 10:00 am The Sunnyside Brunch

October 14th, 7:30 pm Royal Arch Chapter #18 

October 15th, 12:00 pm Friendship-Rose OES 

October 17th, 6:30 pm Willamette Lodge #2 Officers Meeting 

October 19th, 6:30 pm White Shrine of Jerusalem  

October 21st, 7:30 pm Commandery #15 

October 23rd, 6:30 pm Washington Lodge #46 Officers Meeting 

October 26th, 12:00 pm Knights of the York Cross of Honor & HRAKTP

To have your event added to the calendar, please contact WM Matthew Cox.

Master’s Message

WM Matthew Cox


It was about this time last year that we learned of the untimely passing of our Worshipful Master, John Quiroz. He was a great Brother to learn from and was an example to us all of how we should act as men and Masons. As I finished out John’s year in the East in 2023 and then started my year in January, I often remember John and how calm and kind he was.

One of the great things about our Brotherhood is that our knowledge and wisdom is not locked away and held by a select few of us. I have learned so much, and continue to do so, from all of you. I’ve learned not just how to improve ritual and etiquette (though that is much appreciated!) but also such things as leadership and public speaking skills. In fact, it is one of our duties to impart wise counsel to each other.

In October’s Stated Communication, we will be honoring Brothers who have passed in the last year. During that time, let’s remember not just those Brothers when their name is read but all Brothers who have inspired you to be a better person. More importantly, let us continue the tradition and set an example to help our Brothers, especially our youngest. 

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Matthew Cox
Worshipful Master 
Washington #46

From The West

Summer is now officially over; hot and sunny days are now behind us. It was a pleasure that we had memorable moments raising our three new brethren into the sublime degree of Master Mason. During those times, I have experienced the feeling that we all have each other’s back in times of need. We were able to meet new people and welcome some dusty Masons back into our lodge, we learned how to do different roles in the degrees and learned how to be more prepared for future degrees. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you who have participated. I also want to thank our Junior Warden who prepared our refreshments. This previous Tuesday, nine members from our lodge had a great time visiting our brothers in Gresham Lodge during our Grand Master’s official visit in their stated meeting. I want to thank Gresham No. 152 for their warm welcome.
Welcoming the Autumn season, we are going back to our dinner time of 6:30 and stated meeting at 7:30wearing our formal business attire for our stated meetings.
Looking ahead, we will start conducting background checks to the people knocking on our doors showing interest to join our beloved fraternity.
This month we will have our Past Master’s night, appreciating our brethren who have served by leading our lodge in the past. Mark your calendar; we will have our Christmas party on December 8th, and Grand Master’s official visit to Lents lodge No. 156 this coming October 10th, dinner starts at 6:30, meeting starts at 7:30.
As a healthcare worker by profession, I want to promote good health! For those who are able, this is a good time to get your flu shots! I want everyone to have a chance to have fellowship with one another, by making it to our meetings, to our brunches, and to our events.
Aaron E.
Senior Warden

From The South

As you will no doubt read in the other articles here, we raised three master masons this past month. The journey of these three men has been wonderful to witness, and I’m proud of each of them. I have had the honor of coaching one of them as well! 

The essence of our brotherhood really shines during our degrees. Men bond by going through something together, something that takes effort. It is one of the ways we relate to one another as time goes on. We remember the things we accomplished together, and degree work is one of the best ways. Let our work together continue and our bonds strengthen as we welcome these new masons into our ancient fraternity. 

This October, chef Paul Stanislaw returns to provide a delicious catered meal complete with dessert. Please join us at 6:30 PM for food and fellowship. I’ll provide refreshments after the stated communication!

I hope you can make it! 

Yours in Masonry,
Jesse McCann
Junior Warden

From The Secretary’s Desk

Let’s say, the fall season is upon us.  I am sure this message has already been passed along but it shows that the time has really flown by this year, with only 3 months left in this 2024 masonic year.  We at Washington Lodge have accomplished a lot and thanks must go out to the many dedicated masons that made this possible. We just raised our last of three new master masons, Joshua Revert, along with Jayke Bickford and Kai Kreneck. All I can say is thank you to all the brothers who participated in the degrees, not only from Washington Lodge but from other lodges as well. We have not had this kind of activity in many years, and we must continue to promote the principles that masonry provides.

So, what’s next?  A busy October stated meeting as we honor Past Masters, our newly raised Master Masons, and those brothers who have passed to the Celestial Grand Lodge.  We are back to our usual schedule, dinner at 6:30PM, and our stated meeting starts at 7:30PM.  In November we will have that very important meeting, which includes elections and this year, our new District Deputy will make an official visit.  December will be busy with our annual building Christmas party on the 8th and our stated meeting with the carolers.  Don’t forget those in need, your neighbors, friends and even those that just might need a special call during the holidays.  Thank you again for all your support, it sure would be nice to see some more familiar faces before the end of the year.  Take care and God Bless!!


Don Stapleton, PGM, Secretary


Congratulations to our three newly raised Master Mason’s