Washington Lodge No. 46
A.F.A.M.Volume 2024
Issue #8

Washington Masonic Center Calendar

August 5th, 7:30 PM Council of Cryptic Masons, Washington Chapter #3

August 7th, 6:30 PM Willamette Lodge #2 Stated Communication

August 12th, 7:30 PM Royal Arch Chapter

August 14th, 6:00 PM Washington Lodge #46 Stated Communication

August 15th, 6:30 PM Willamette Lodge #2 Officers Meeting

August 17th, Building Reserved All Day

August 19th, 7:30 PM Commandry #15

August 20th, 2:00 PM Friendship Rose OES

August 28th, 7:30 PM Washington Lodge #46 Officers Meeting

August 29th, 6:30 PM Washington Lodge #46 Master Mason Degree

To have your event added to the calendar, please contact WM Matthew Cox.

Master’s Message

WM Matthew Cox


In the last few months, it has been a pleasure to see three of our brothers pass to the Degree of Fellowcraft. Additionally, for those who were able to visit and support our brothers at Lents Lodge recently, we saw another brother pass to Fellowcraft. A fortunate aspect of seeing so many brothers pass to this degree in a relatively short period of time is seeing the lessons of the ritual impact not just the new FCs but also those helping put the degree on.

A major takeaway for me was the theme of progression. We, as men and masons, should always be looking for ways to improve ourselves. What that looks like to each brother, of course, will vary greatly, but the overall message of improving and progressing within our craft is a vital one. Here are a few simple things one can do on this journey.

For starters, come to stated communications and degrees when you can.  Join the cast of degrees and challenge yourself to learn parts you haven’t done before. You can even learn a charge or a lecture (which can be split up into two sections to make it easier to learn).

Secondly, talk to your brothers and ask questions. Many of us have Masonic libraries with very interesting books, and of course, we have our own libraries. A lot of Masonic education is also available on Grand View for your use. If you need access to these resources, please let me know.

Lastly, become a coach to our new brothers. It is a great reward to see a mentee of yours go through the degrees and return their proficiencies. And as you study the degree with your brother, the lessons of those degrees will also become instilled in you.


Sincerely and Fraternally,
Matthew Cox
Worshipful Master
Washington #46

From The West


As we draw nigh to the summer season’s last month, we also return to our lodge from each of our own vacations. That calls for preparation for our upcoming MM degrees. The cast for August 29th, Thursday, is almost complete, in which we’re having a rehearsal on July 31st, both starting at 6:30 pm; on that night, we’ll also talk about the next rehearsal date closer to the 29th. Just like the proverb mentioned, “Iron sharpens iron; So a man sharpens another.” All master masons are welcome. Please check your Grand View account, I’ve sent invitations for roles for these events. We have also posted these events on our Facebook page. Our 2nd MM degree is temporarily scheduled for September 5th Thursday.

It was a delight to come together and co-host our Annual Picnic at Oaks Park with our brethren from Cornerstone and Lents. The event was filled with joy, laughter, and camaraderie, not only among us but also with our families and friends. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to share such moments of fellowship with you again next year!

I’ll see you all at our next meeting on August’s second Wednesday; dinner starts at 6:00 p.m., and the gavel will go down at 7:00 p.m. This will be the last month that we can wear our summer attire of business casual or barong. I look forward to having fellowship with you all.


Aaron E.
Senior Warden


From The South

Over the past month, I’ve been contemplating the symbols and allegories in the FC degree, particularly within the charge. I’ve noticed that our rituals are quite similar to Shakespeare’s prose in that they can be challenging to understand upon first hearing or reading. As I focused on memorizing the charge for our degrees, the meaning became clearer to me. I can only imagine how the candidate must feel hearing the charge for the first time; it’s likely quite confusing. This is why our guidance after the degree is crucial. It provides opportunities for us to discuss, share perspectives, and interpretations, and to help each other uncover the deeper meanings within our craft.

If you haven’t yet attended a degree or are not actively participating, I urge you to reconsider. Each degree is rich with symbolic meanings that can serve as a compass in our journey toward personal growth and accountability. By understanding and reflecting on these symbols, we not only better ourselves as men but also extend this wisdom to the world around us. 

Our August dinner will be catered by NoHo’s Hawaiian Grill. Hope to see you at our next stated. 

Yours in Masonry,

Jesse McCann

From The Secretary’s Desk

I wanted to start my message for August by again recognizing the passing of WB Lloyd Higgens. Lloyd was laid to rest at Willamette National Cemetery with full military honors and then a memorial service at Washington Lodge on July 20th. Our members are getting older, and all of us must recognize the obligation that we have to make sure the families of these members are well taken care of. Ask questions of those family members and make sure our assistance is available if needed.

A busy summer is ahead with degrees and activities planned. The officers and members of Washington Lodge are eager and willing to pitch in for whatever the task. We are working on projects to enhance the livability and function of the kitchen, hallways, and dining room, as well as monitoring the AC system. We have one of the finest lodges in Portland, and we should be immensely proud of our accomplishments. This past Sunday on the 28th, the lodge hosted a memorial service for my cousin, WB Edward Brown of Cornerstone Lodge #157. There were over 100 visitors here, and they were very complimentary of the lodge. We had guests who traveled from Hawaii, Utah, California, Washington, Texas, and Oregon. Ed worked for the USGS in Vancouver and was recognized for his long-term scientific research and work in the study of volcanoes.

Brethren, this is the perfect time to again start attending lodge. Now, more than ever, we need your fellowship and support. For August and September our meals begin at 6PM with the stated meeting starting at 7:00. Stay cool, stay safe as you travel to your many family activities, as we look forward to seeing you in the months ahead. 


Don Stapleton, PGM, Secretary


Ed Brown’s Memorial