From the West – July 2023

Greetings from the West!

Charity to others and particularly to our Masonic brothers is fundamental to the Craft. We do not talk about this very much because we are also reminded that it is not charity if the giver expects something in return. It is part of our obligations to assist others in need within our ability to assist. Our Lodge has continued to give consideration to this obligation, and in the current year has made significant increases in the amounts contributed to charitable causes in our community. At the same time the Grand Lodge of Oregon has also demonstrated by example and increased its charitable work. For the most recently reported year, 2021, their total assistance provided to Oregon recipients was over $800,000. This does not include the works done by the 100 active Lodges in Oregon or by the many affiliated organizations such as the Shriners, Amaranth, White Shrine, and many others. Nor does it consider the value of the non-monetary assistance that many of us have given to Brothers and Fellows wherever they may be.

We are blessed in many ways to be able to do the work that we do, to have the ability to meet one another in our building, and to share friendship and meals. Let us continue to discuss how we might act together to increase our ability to contribute to that charitable work as it is that Virtue unlike like Faith and Hope that continues beyond the grave forever.

Warren Burkholder, Senior Warden