brother on the phone

From the Secretary’s Desk – September 2022

We trust the 90-degree temperatures are behind us and the cooler temperatures are soon to grace the Pacific Northwest. What happened to these summer months with only four months left in 2022. Yet, much to do in the months ahead with our stated meeting on the 14th, Past Master’s night, petitions to vote on and future degrees to confer. As we look forward to our many gatherings and special events, one special challenge remains, your presence. We can’t be a successful lodge without the membership showing up and wanting to participate in our degrees, in our fellowship and with new ideas that will keep this lodge vibrant for years to come.

We must admit that many of us, are getting a little older. We have dedicated our time and efforts to Washington Lodge #46 for many, many years. We need to step aside and let that new group of officers take the reins and build on the ideas of the past and of the future. We do have many challenges ahead and it’s exciting to know that masonry is allowing our group of brothers to make decisions that will benefit the community and the members that meet here. It won’t be easy, but with the Principals of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth we will succeed, and our lodge will be a guiding light for those groups that meet here.

So, we look forward in seeing you soon; don’t forget that our meeting in September starts at 7PM. Have a great Fall Season, stay safe & God Bless!!


Respectively submitted,

Don Stapleton, Secretary