Summer 2022

From the West – June 2022

Greetings from the West!

Our Masonic year is moving along at a pace that makes it difficult to keep up with at times. Grand Lodge was last week and the Lodge goes to summer hours with our Stated Communications.

The mural on the South side of the Lodge building is just about complete and will make our presence known to the World. It looks nice and doesn’t “shout” but draws positive attention to who we are.

Sunnyside Lodge is considering merging with either Lents, Cornerstone, Kenton or Washington Lodge. Their members have been meeting at Washington Masonic Center for some years now and we are hopeful that they will decide to join us in the future. However, we shall see what we shall see.

Have a great and safe Summer. If the occasion should arise, please come join us in our deliberations and bless us with your presence.


Dave Munson
Senior Warden