daisies in springtime

From the East – May 2022

Greetings from the East

Spring has sprung and our lodge has gotten very busy. At our stated meeting in April, we read and voted on the petition of our Candidate, Michael Varble. The vote was favorable, and we set a date for the E.A. degree on April 27th .

We also had the first reading of 5 amendments to the By-laws that have been updated. After a spirited discussion, it was decided that the By-Laws committee would further work on one of the amendments and the other four be held over for a second reading and vote at the stated meeting in May. We had an E.A. degree for Michael Varble. Congratulations to Michael and a Big Welcome to the Fraternity! I have no doubt that Michael will be a great asset to Masonry and to the Lodge.

Washington 46 EA Degree Team and Candidate 02

Entered Apprentice Degree Team, Visitors and Candidate

Matthew Cox, our building manager, has informed me that due to a recent promotion at work, he will be stepping aside as Building Manager. We therefore are in search of a new Building Manager! If you would be interested in this opportunity, please contact Matthew at [email protected].

For our stated meeting in May, we will be having our spring official visit of our District Deputy, WB Jim Munson. We will have the second reading of the 4 amendments to the By-Laws, followed by any discussion and then finally, a vote on each of the amendments. I hope that many members show up and cast your votes. This is YOUR lodge, and it is important to have as many members voices heard as possible.

Finally, I will be summarizing the 2022 Grand Lodge legislation to the membership. There are 3 pieces of Legislation and 3 resolutions that will voted on this year at Grand Lodge, June 2-3, in Salem, Oregon. I and both Wardens will be attending Grand Lodge this year so the Lodge will be well represented.

Please remember that for the months of June, July, August and September, our stated Meetings will start at 7:00 pm instead of 7:30 pm. Dress code will be business casual and there will be no formal dinners served. Coffee and a light desert will be served after for those who wish to stay and chat.

I hope to see you in Lodge! Till then, take care and stay safe!


Jim Van Anda
Worshipful Master