Grand Master's Visitation

From the Secretary’s Desk – February 2022

January 2022 has secured its place in history and now February is right around the corner. We have had our first stated meeting, with MWB Greg Jenkins, Grand Master of Masons in Oregon our very special guest. Yes, some of us might have been a little nervous but all the officers did a fine job with their ritual; this being our first meeting of the year. This sets the stage for more good times in the months ahead. Throughout this pandemic all of us have continued to support this lodge and have successfully proceeded to update the building, added a tenant, and now look forward to renewed fellowship as this virus slowly retreats from our mist.

What we need most is your participation. If you haven’t been able to get out to lodge for several months, then this might be your golden opportunity to sit aside the second Wednesday of the month as your night out. February is Valentine’s Day! We will have a nice dinner and entertainment for all those attending. If you are coming for dinner, please notify our JW, John Quiroz if attending. We hope you can bring your spouse or significant other, it will be a very nice evening.

I can truly say that I am very thankful for the masons that I am surrounded with. As we all get older, we appreciate more and more the close relations with those that we know best, and in many cases, it’s our masonic brothers. So, reach out to those members we haven’t seen for a while; call, email or write them, inquire about their health and well- being and invite them to lodge. Let’s bring back those days of members on the sidelines and fascinating stories after our meetings. Looking forward to seeing you at our February meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Don Stapleton, Secretary

Photo Gallery

50-year certificate presentation

MWGM Greg Jenkins presents Ken Hall his 50-year Longevity Award with son Brother Jason in attendance.

Past Master's Jewel Presentation

MWGM Greg Jenkins presents WB Lynn Foley with his Past Masters Jewel.

Grand Master's Visitation

MWGM Greg Jenkins giving his remarks.