2022 officers

December Events Picture Gallery

December was a busy month for Washington #46! Aside from the usual stated meeting which saw the Dickens Carolers, the lodge also saw presentations and the installation ceremonies of the lodge’s 2022 set of officers. Below are the photos of these events.

December Stated Meeting:

lynn foley PM certificate presentation
MWB Don Stapleton presenting PM Lynn Foley With his Past Master’s Certificate and Washington Lodge #46 Lifetime Membership Certificate.


lynn foley apron presentation

MWB Don Stapleton presenting PM Lynn Foley with his Past Master’s Apron.


dickens christmas carolers
2022 Christmas Celebration with the Dickens Carolers. Joyful songs accompanied by MWB Gary Ball.


Installation of Officers:

installing team and worshipful Master

WB Jim Van Anda with the Installing Team


2022 officers

2022 Officers after the installation ceremonies