summer golf

From the Secretary’s Desk – August 2021

The warm weather of the summer will hopefully beckon in the cooler weather in the fall. The summer is flying by and soon we will be conferring degrees and getting ready for those many activities at the lodge. What we are asking for is your participation. For those of you that have not been able to get out and spend that one day or two with us, I think you should make it a habit to once again; devote some of your time to the lodge and to those of us that have continued to keep Washington Lodge an active lodge during these many months of casual activity. We once again have degrees planned and are anxiously awaiting your participation.

What we have all missed is the fellowship, the fun times, and just catching up on everyone’s time of separation. I know it might be difficult for those that are well seasoned masons to attend every month, but if you need transportation to and from lodge, please give the master a call.

Our OMCF Golf Tournament has just completed and our very own marshal, WB Warren Burkholder won for closest to the pin. Congratulations to Warren!! And even our JD, Matthew Cox had the time of his life and always, Larry Harmon filled out the team. Thank you, brothers, for representing Washington Lodge.

If you are traveling, stay safe. Use your mask if need be. I look forward in seeing many more familiar faces at lodge in the months ahead.


Don Stapleton, Secretary