food delivery

From the South – June 2021

Greetings from the South,

Brethren, it appears that we will soon have the ability to meet in our Lodge with some degree of freedom which includes dinners. Hooray! I am open to suggestions regarding menus. In the past, we have hired someone to come in and prepare our Stated Meeting meals in our kitchen. Due to the pandemic, do you think it would be advisable to “order in” each month from nearby community restaurants? I would appreciate your response to this possibility. And if you plan to attend, we would need to know that in advance so we can order the correct number of dinners. I’m wondering if this alternative might help to entice more of you to share your bright shining faces with us and participate in our deliberations.

I have been a member of Washington #46 for over fifty years. During this world challenge of 2020 and 2021, our meetings have largely taken place via computer. Worshipful Brother Burkholder added an experienced professional dimension to our gatherings while our present Master Lynn Foley has added goodness, brightness and a gentle approach to everything he does. I cannot say enough positive things about these truly fine men.


Dave Munson

Junior Warden