Happy mother's day

From the West – May 2021

May. Mother’s Day. Spring. Flowers and baby animals. My favorite season.

Spring is a renewal of sorts. And even though we are still restricted, we, your officers, are having a bit of spring fever/renewal at the lodge.

We have formed a committee to look at and rewrite the bylaws. There are many sections that need updating and a few that need to be rewritten completely.

We recently had a company come in and power wash a section of the outside of the building and removed a lot of moss from the curbs and edges. It looks very nice.

We are working on getting someone in to trim the big tree in the corner of the parking lot too.

We are currently looking for a new Building Manager still. So, if any member would be interested in that position, please give our Master, Lynn Foley, a call. Please stay safe and see you in Lodge!


WB Jim Van Anda
Senior Warden