hiram awardee 2020

From the West – December 2020

GREETINGS from the West…

We finally had a Stated meeting in lodge. It was a short one, however. We were able to have our elections. We also accepted Kevin Gladyz for plural membership into our lodge. Welcome aboard Kevin!! A team will be chosen for his Investigation in our next Stated meeting.

We recognized WB Dave Munson for his 50 years of masonic membership, and we also awarded WB Larry Harmon the Hiram award. Before closing, the former military brothers were thanked by RWB Jim Akers for our service. Thank you, Jim for recognizing our service.

Wages to be paid to WM Warren, WB Dennis Harris, WB Larry Harmon for their work on the roof and the HVAC systems – Thank you WB’s.

Have a good rest of the year, brethren and may we all be safe.

In Solidarity Brothers, SMIB.

Lynn Foley, SW


hiram awardee 2020

WB Larry Harmon was presented the Hiram Award by the brothers of the lodge. Larry has been the lodge treasurer and was recognized for his many years of dedicated service to the craft.

dave munson 50-year award

WB Dave Munson was presented his 50-year service award at our stated meeting in November.