check presentation

From the South – December 2020

Greetings from the South~

November is in the books and as such, the lodge has voted and the officers for 2021 have been elected and appointed.

I would like to take this time to thank our current Master, Warren Burkholder. 2020 was a difficult year to be a Master of a Lodge and Warren has done an excellent job. Not only has he guided us thru a pandemic and all the issues that has brought but has overseen a large building upgrade. I would also like to thank WB Dennis Harris, who was our contractor on the project, and spent many hours at the lodge putting on a new roofing system.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

WB James Van Anda

check presentationWB Dennis Harris is presented his final check for all his work on our new roof by the Worshipful Master Warren Burkholder.