Be Kind

From the East – December 2020

Without dwelling on the importance that our fraternity places on charity, it is time for us to give consideration about how we should demonstrate this commitment in the current times. Many of the traditional activities the Lodge supports during the year have been either deferred, cancelled, or just have not happened. This does not excuse us from meeting these obligations to our Brothers and the broader community. I would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions as to how we can best use our assets to support the needs of those worthy.

I’m pleased to report that the Roof and HVAC project is complete except for some paperwork. All systems are working and there have been no leaks from the recent tests by the rains.

At the November meeting the brothers elected a slate of qualified and experienced officers for 2021. Lynn Foley is Worshipful Master Elect. WD James Van Anda was elected Senior Warden, and WB David Munson elected Junior Warden. WB Larry Harmon and MWB Don Stapleton will both continue as Treasurer and Secretary accordingly. Watch closely for information on appointed officers and the Installation plans.

It is also time to recognize the hard work of this year’s officers. Their collective efforts have allowed the lodge to continue to move forward in cooperation with other Masonic bodies to meet the demands under the restrictions and limitations from the Covid-19 Virus. A hearty thanks to all for their service:

  • Lynn Foley – Senior Warden
  • Jim VanAnda – Junior Warden
  • Larry Harmon – Treasurer
  • Donald Stapleton – Secretary
  • Robert Keller – Chaplain
  • Dennis Harris – Marshal
  • David Munson – SD
  • John Quiroz – JD
  • Mathew Cox – SS
  • Doug Neville – Tiler
  • Jim Akers – Historian

Hopefully all of us are looking forward to being able to meet again on a social basis and share our experiences.


Warren Burkholder
Worshipful Master