roof repair 01

From the Secretary’s Desk – October 2020

In last month’s copy of the Journal, our Senior Steward, Matthew Cox wrote about the appearance of our buildings, both inside and out. A well-kept masonic building shows our current members and those that might have an interest in our fraternity, that we care how our facility looks and that trickles down to attitude of our members and how we approach our work. So, it is with our current work project. A long overdue endeavor to replace the flat roof over our dining room and kitchen. This is definitely one of our most costly projects and with the expertise of past master Dennis Harris and the folks at Advanced Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., this project is nearing completion.

A special thank you also has to go out to our Worshipful Master, Warren Burkholder, for making sure that all contracts were up to snuff and permits were ready to be approved by the city, which by the way, along with the consequences of the virus, put the permit process behind with approvals delayed the start until the last of August. When all is completed, we will have a roof that will last more than 50 years and new HVAC units that are energy efficient and state of the art in design.

Attached are some pictures of the project so far, from the open roof, right after the plywood and insulation was installed; to stamping out the sheet metal for the roof and a completed section where the HVAC units will be mounted. Also included is a picture of Dennis and his crew, what a job they have done!

Completion is expected within the next two to three weeks. We all look forward in meeting again. So, if you have a chance, please give all those involved a BIG THANK YOU!!!!!


Don Stapleton, Secretary