washington center library

From the West – September 2020

GREETINGS from the West…

Well, another meeting/gathering was held online in August. We will do the same for September.

On Aug.21st, WM Warren and PM Dennis will meet with city officials for a review of the application permit to work on the HVAC unit and the roof of the lodge building.

PM’s Dave Munson and Larry Harmon have cleaned up and organized the library contents; also removed excess materials. They also cataloged the library books and written data. Dave Munson found the original lodge charter (hooray!!!) in a box of assorted items. It will be mounted and displayed in the lodge.

Our lodge received an e-mail from scholarship holder Alexandro, he is doing well in school and Dave Munson will stay in contact with him.

Wages to be paid – PM Dennis Harris and WM Warren Burkholder for the work being done on the roof of the lodge, and to PM’s Larry Harmon and Dave Munson for all the work in the library and finding the lodge 46 charter ! ! !

Have a good rest of the summer brethren and may we all be safe.

In solidarity brothers, SMIB.


Lynn Foley, SW