self isolation

From the East – August 2020


As this is written, the visible work on the Lodge building has not yet begun. Engineering and building permit are in progress and hopefully the physical work will soon begin. In the last 25 years the safety requirements in Portland have improved significantly and we can no longer just put on the roof whatever fits that we like. In the meantime, the officers and continuing to meet online develop our plans for when we can next meet in person and resume our work and degrees.

The Grand Lodge has placed a temporary hold on Degree work until the COVID threat subsides.

The Lodge will not be holding a Stated Meeting in August as the risk to our members clearly outweighs the benefits of the fellowship. We will again offer an online meeting for those that would like to share with others some of their experiences. This meeting will be by invitation to members and guests at 7:30 PM on August 12th. Contact one of the officers if you need assistance to get connected.

Brother Charlie Biggs, Massachusetts Lodge of Research shared the following and I pass it on.

Why President McKinley Became a Mason

When General Horatio King asked William McKinley how he happen to become a Mason he explained, “After the Battle of Opequam, I went with our surgeon of our Ohio regiment o the field where there were about 5,000 Confederate prisoners under guard. Almost as soon as we passed the guard, I noticed the doctor shook hands with a number of Confederate prisoners. He took from his pock a roll of bills and distributed all he had among them. Boy-like, I looked on in wonderment; I didn’t know what it all meant. On the way back to campI asked him:

“Did you know these men or ever see them before?”

“No,” replied the doctor, “I never saw them before.”

“But,” I persisted, “You gave them a lot of money, all you had about you. Do you ever expect to get it back?”

“Well,” said the doctor, “If they are able to pay me back, they will. But it makes no difference to me; they are brother Masons in trouble, and I am only doing my duty.”

I said to myself, “If that is Freemasonry I will take some of it for myself.”

Not just a man… A Mason.


Warren Burkholder
Worshipful Master