oregon masonic news

From the Secretary’s Desk – June 2020

his week has been one of JOY, SADNESS and HOPE for the future as space exploration has lifted off again; disappointment to see protests throughout the country and hope for the future as we look for cures and moving back to the norm caused by the pandemic. It is hard to keep a positive attitude about things that surround us but we as masons have a higher calling and we will come out of this experience knowing more about ourselves and our fellow man.

It will not be long before Multnomah County opens up again and that means Washington Lodge will again be able to meet in person. We have a lot to discuss as the master’s message points out, and we would very much like for you, our members, to participate in our discussions. We will in the next few months have awards to present, building repairs to decide on and scheduled degrees to confer.

If you have recently received your SPECIAL EDITION of the Oregon Masonic News you will see a great new publication and I hope in future legislation this will become a reality. It is fresh looking, informative and will provide more articles, pictures, and local interest stories for members of this jurisdiction. Please respond to the feedback form on the back of the OMN.

As this masonic year is coming to a close, I would be remiss not to thank our current Grand Lodge officers for their support of the craft. They have done a tremendous job under very difficult circumstances, making informed decisions that would keep our families safe and secure. To those frontline workers from the fraternity we thank you for your service. God Bless!


Don Stapleton, Secretary