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From the West – May 2020

GREETINGS from the West…

Another month of not being able to have a stated meeting, certainly not what we all expected but most importantly, we are staying safe with our family. Worshipful Master Warren had us all get together on “Go To Meeting,” a virtual site where we can call in or view and talk to one another on our computers. This was new to me but worked out very well. We discussed the development of some new programs that would encourage our members to attend lodge and how we could be more involved in our local community. Once we are able to get back together in lodge, we hope that some more ideas would come forth.

We will have a Fellowcraft Degree for John Wagner once we able to meet and also a Master Mason Degree for Dylan McComiskey. Our thoughts and prayers for all those that are suffering from the virus. Our world has been tossed upside down and it will take time for the NORMAL to return. If you know of a brother and his family that needs any kind of assistance, please let know.

Lynn Foley, SW