writing history

From the Senior Deacon: Masonic History

MWB Stapleton forwarded an email from our Grand Master about Masonic History. Each one of us has a history to tell about his years in Washington Lodge and those Lodges that have merged over the years. Alas, a great deal of this history has faded as our Brothers have been gathered to the great beyond. Your involvement, regardless of your extensive or minimal involvement is important. Both sides of these stories are the composite of what Masonry means.

You do not have to be a “published” author, the importance is perhaps as little as a few words expressing what the craft has meant to you. It may mean absolutely nothing and you’re still wondering why you became a Mason, or your experience changed your whole life for the better.

Please take a few minutes to express the meaning of “Masonry” to you. It all matters!


Dave Munson PM