school community outreach

The Front Page

Brethren; welcome to the “Front Page” of the Washington Journal! This is a new idea proposed by WB Quiroz. He thought it would be a useful addition to the newsletter and he left it up to me to write something that was an apt introduction to the newsletter. Hopefully, it will become a regular feature. This month, I’ll take up Worshipful Master Burkholder’s plan for 2020. In January’s Trestle Board, he mentioned how he wants to look at our activities and what community presence we have.

His words resonate with me a great deal. Community and charity are cornerstones of our fraternity and it is one reason that I am proud to be a Freemason.

To this end, what activities do you want to see happen in the Lodge? If you haven’t been to Lodge for a while, what would make you come back? Would you consider visiting the Lodge just for social activities and maybe attend a stated communication at some point in the future?

Some ideas that I had included having regular movie or game nights at the lodge or volunteering at Franklin High School. This would assuredly improve our relationship with the school and the students. For another activity, I am already looking to get a group of Brothers to a Timbers game on the evening of June 17th. (Let me know if you are interested in going or are looking for details! Partners and children are very welcome as are Brethren from other Lodges).

There are many opportunities for us to increase our presence in the community. I have made inquires with the Portland Pickles baseball team to see if we could put a banner on the outfield wall or even have a stall there on a gameday. Speaking of stalls, perhaps we could have a stall at the Hawthorne Street Fair in August this year?

We have a great opportunity to let the community know who we are and what we do as well as having a direct impact on our neighbors. We could better the place in which we live and better ourselves as men and Masons.

We all share the responsibility of carrying out the Worshipful Master’s vision so please bring your ideas to the next Stated Communication or just reach out to me.

Matthew Cox
Senior Steward, Washington 46