Portland Oregon

From the West – October 2019


The rains have returned, the first new snow has fallen on Hood, and the activities of Washington Lodge are back in full swing. Last week we conferred an EA degree on a new brother for Evergreen Lodge that is soon to deploy with the Coast Guard. A job well done by the Cast.

This month we will be recognizing and honoring our Past Masters and preparing for another EA degree and a MM degree. We will need to give consideration to some significant repairs in the dining room and the lodge room.

Shortly we will be electing and appointing new officers. Come and make yourself known as a candidate. The rewards received by those that serve are almost always many times greater than the expense of time and work contributed. The limits of what can achieve together are limited only by what we are willing to commit to individually. We all want more from our fraternity. To realize that desire we must support it with our commitments.

A thought from a friend and Brother:

A temple workman approached Hiram, King of Tyre, and asked, “If harmony is so important, why have we been divided?”

“How have you been divided?” responded the King.

“We have been separated into lodges of Apprentices, Fellowcrafts and Masters.” answered the workman.

“How does one progress from Apprentice to Fellowcraft to Master?” asked the King.

The workman thought for a moment and said, “He studies, practices and eventually proves proficiency at his current grade.”

“So who has divided you?” asked the King.

And the workman was brought to light.


Warren Burkholder, SW