Scholarship Recipients

From the East – October 2019

Greeting’s Brethren,

In September there were a few things happening at the Lodge. First, Washington Lodge helped Evergreen Lodge with an EA Degree on September 25th. Everyone did an exceptional job; and rumor has it, when this young man gets ready to do the rest of his degrees Evergreen Lodge would like it if we can help with the other 2 degrees. So please keeps this in mind.

This month, one of our Scholarship recipients will be attending Lodge for dinner, and we also have Past Masters Night in October. Brethren one more thing – please bring your spouse or your significant other.

Also, this month we are back to our normal meeting hours. Dinner 630pm and Lodge to starts promptly at 730pm.

Jock was a foreman of a building site. He was sitting in his trailer when two brick layers walked in. “you’ll have to do something about Jim,” says one. “He’s got a personal hygiene problem.”

“He’s a laborer lugging bricks around all day,” said Jock. “Of course, he’s going to be a bit sweaty.”

“Well, were not working with him unless you do something about it!”

So Jock calls him into the trailer and says, “There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just come straight to the point. B.O.” Jim appeared puzzled and replied, “A.Z.”

Dennis Harris
WM, Washington 46