Masonic Trowel

Chaplain’s Message – October 2019


You will remember in the explanation of the Trowel near the conclusion of the Master Mason degree, the words “Who can best work and best agree”. Please give some extra thought to this phrase when your lodge is discussing matters that come before it. We are first and foremost men who meet on the Level, act by the Plumb and part upon the Square. Be true to yourself and true to your brothers.

In a speech he gave in 1911, U.S. President and Brother William Howard Taft said: “Masonry aims at the promotion of morality and higher living by the cultivation of the social side of man, the rousing in him of the instincts of charity and love of his kind. It rests surely on the foundation of the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God.”

So, there you have it. All the good that we do as Freemasons, all the contributions we make to society as a moral brotherhood of upstanding, forthright citizens of the world are based upon the beneficent and loving presence of our Heavenly Father. Now that is something truly deserving of our thanks and praise.

With fall quickly approaching, it’s a reminder of how fast this year is coming to an end. Although we still have another three months left, let’s enjoy them to the fullest! Every month we open and close lodge, it gives me a warm feeling to be a part of such a great fraternity. Not only because of our lodge and members, but also due to the Brethren I’ve met along my travels. It doesn’t matter if we only see each other once or twice a year, the comradery is always there.

Elections are fast approaching! It is a time for all Senior Wardens to determine who would be the very best to fill each position in the coming year. It’s also the time of year when we are faced with the possibility of dropping members from the roles who are behind on their dues. Let’s make every effort to avoid dropping any member and see if there isn’t a way that we can offer help.

I performed the Masonic Service on our Brother Will Gordon on September 29th. I was asked to give a tribute to our Brother Will, as he was a Masonic youth leader. No one had to give a tribute to Will, as looking around the room, there were people of all levels, regarding age, income levels, and dress. When I first arrived, as I arrived early, there weren’t too many present. While I was sitting in the East, what looked like busloads of people came in, and they were just his family. Brother Will had nine kids and their families, along with his wife, grand kids, their families, and great-grand kids.

Then the Masonic Youth Leaders, and Masonic Youth themselves came in. At Washington Masonic Center, we put out all the folding chairs that we had available, and there were still people waiting in the entrance hall.

The thing that most stood out to me was the fact that, while Brother Will had nine kids, he made every one of those kids; and his wife; feel like each one was the most important person in the world to him.

I knew Will from the Masonic Youth groups, and whenever I saw him, I only saw a man with a huge heart. You can’t have a better tribute then that.

After the service, the family provided, as large families do, more than enough food for everyone who attended the service, and we had 140 in attendance.

While our dining hall holds a lot of people, the room was so full that everyone couldn’t get in with all the people standing.

Let’s have a big turnout at our Stated Meeting on October 9th, as we honor our Past Master’s, and show our appreciation for what they have done for our Lodge, and Fraternity.


Ken Hall