
From the West – April 2019


The square one of our important symbols represents our present position in this masonic year. The square being 1/4th of the circle, just as we are now a 1/4th of the year.

We are looking forward to the advancement of our enter apprentices to the degree of Fellowcraft. The plans for the 150th Anniversary of Washington Lodge #46 will be held on June 22, 2019. This coming quarter will be filled with many new experiences. Members of the Lodge will receive a letter shortly describing our plans for the anniversary celebration.

I attach today for your consideration a comment from a Brother and friend.


I am geometry…
I am the line or thread. I am the continuity of the plumb line.
And from the plumb line comes knowledge of the physical laws of the universe.
For all measurements must follow from geometry.
All science from the plumb line.

I am the principle of truth. I define constancy. I am before
logic and arithmetic rounds me. I am the space within space.
I am that by which all can be measured.
I am the longitude, and the latitude. I am the inch and every inch of the circumference of the earth.
I am before the foundation.

I am geometry.
I am at the root of mathematics and can be more easily
expressed as the study of measurement, properties of point,
lines, angles, planes and solids. I have given illumination to
all liberal arts and sciences, from Geodesy (the study of earth’s
size), to astronomy, from biology to chemistry.

Courtesy of : WM Tofique Fatehi

Come and join us this month as we plan for the celebration of our 150th Anniversary just three months from now. If you need a ride give me a call and we will find one.

Warren Burkholder, SW